Podcast #268 – As We Begin 2015 . . .

Just as last week’s Christmas Day podcast was a rare one, so this week’s New Year’s podcast falls on the very day.

We usually ring in the new year with friends, but this year we enjoyed a cozy evening by the wood stove with Oddie curled up nearby, and both got to sleep well before 2015 arrived. So we’re bright-eyed and bushy-tailed on New Year’s morning, greeting you, the chickens, and the sunshine with a hearty “Happy New Year!” In today’s program we look back on 2014, update you on the last couple of weeks here on the farm, and contemplate the new year beginning today.

Listen – 13:10
One of the cover crops we're testing is this stand of hairy vetch, which we affectionately call "hairy bitch" because our phones auto-correct it. It's a legume and will set nitrogen if we're patient enough to let it keep growing.

One of the cover crops we’re testing is this stand of hairy vetch, which we affectionately call “hairy bitch” because our phones auto-correct it. It’s a legume and will set nitrogen if we’re patient enough to let it keep growing.

The Longleaf Breeze Perennial Farm Calendar

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